February 28, 2010

The Purity Myth

i just finished The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti
i'm going to work on a write-up on the book, but it covered so much it might be a while.  i highly recommend the book.

Dear SNL,

y'all need some women of color your show.

i recommend Christina Anthony of Second City Chicago.
she's effin hysterical.

February 26, 2010

things just got kinky

there is a kink in the Lolita plan:
1. my jessica valenti book, The Purity Myth, came in today and i REALLY want to read it.
2. the whole pedophilia thing is giving me the heebie jeebies.
i will attempt to finish Lolita, but the chances of it happening this weekend just dropped significantly.

i know. i'm a flake.

February 25, 2010

Our Lady, Who Art in Heaven

"When a guy says, 'Oh I fucked all these chicks this week,' there's a high-five and giggling. But when a woman does it and its publicised or she's open about her sexuality or she's free or liberated, it's, 'Oh, she must have a dick.'"


February 24, 2010

4 Day Weekend

I am lucky enough to have both Friday and Monday off--four day weekend baby!! usually during the weekend I am woefully unproductive.  To prevent that from occurring this weekend I am setting a goal: finish Lolita.

February 23, 2010

Amanda _______

don't even pretend like you aren't totally crushin on the black lipstick.

February 14, 2010


yeah yeah Banksy is played out and commercialized and SHUT UP

February 11, 2010

Woman's Last Stand

by now we have all seen the Dodge Charger commercial that made its debut at the Super Bowl last Sunday:

this video was made in response:

so. fucking. awesome.

Wish List

i found this book while window shopping in Claremont, CA. 
i love this style of photography because it does such an amazing job of capturing the personality of the people involved.
now i want to make my own version over the summer.

February 08, 2010

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone

February 02, 2010

Feminism Goes Both Ways

It's about the EQUALITY of BOTH SEXES people. Which is why it is so awesome that men in the U.K. will soon be able to take 6 months of paternity leave!